Last updated on May 24, 2023

10 sources for product title keyword research for Google’s shopping ads

In this article, you will find tools and sources to optimize your product titles for shopping ads in Google. A key product ranking factor in Shopping Ads for Google is RELEVANCE. Improved relevance means more impressions, clicks, and conversions on your shopping ads in Google. It has all to do with making sure that Google is better able to match your product to search terms potential buyers are using.

The most effective way to optimize your relevance is by optimizing your product titles. Make sure to read our article with all the best practices in title optimization.

You need to know what people search for. By using your customers’ language in your product title, you increase the chance of showing your ads for relevant search terms.

Producthero Optimizer is a perfect tool to optimize and enrich your product title. It gives you the possibility to add terms to your titles that were not in your content yet.

10 research sources for shopping titles

1. Your Shopping Ads search term data

What buyers that clicked on a shopping ad actually searched for is of course the most valuable source of information. You can analyze the search term reports of your shopping campaigns, Producthero Optimizer does it for you. Take for example this product:

Producthero analyzes the relevant search terms:

..and suggests words you can drag-and-drop to your product title:

When you run regular shopping campaigns this search terms data is available in Producthero optimizer. If you use Smart Shopping campaigns search term data is not available. Then there is still lots of sources you can use enrich and optimize your product titles in Producthero Optimizer. In all the steps you will find out where you can find the gold:

2.  Your text ad campaign search term data

Analyze the search term reports of the text ad campaigns in your Google Ads accounts. What are words in high converting search terms that you do not use in your Product titles yet? Add them to your titles!

3.  Your product content

Analyze the product page and images. What are important words or characteristics that describe the product and are not yet in the product title?

4. Product attributes

Look at the product attributes. I many cases they are already in your feed, but sometimes not in the title. Think of color, gender, material, brand, etc. 

Are you using and focusing on the words most of your customers are actually using? With Google Trends you can compare analyze the search volume on generic words that describe the product. 

Analyze and compare search volume with Google Trends

6. Google Suggest Data

One of the easiest way to get an impression of your customers’ language is just type in some words in google and see what Google suggests:

The easiest way to find nice enrichments

7. Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner in your Google Ads account

8. Your competitors

Search for your products in the Google and the Google Shopping tab. What product titles do your competitors use? Analyze their product pages. Discover words and characteristics your competitors use that you can add to your titles. 

9. SEO Tools

Keyword research is not new. It has been done by SEO’s for years. And there are great free and paid tools that can help you. Think of Ubersuggest, Moz, SEMrush, KWFinder. 

An example of a free keyword tool: Ubersuggest

10. Common sense

Last but not least… What would you search for when you were looking for a specific product? 🙂 Do you see important words and characteristics that are not in the title yet? 

Conclusion: optimizing your titles can double your impressions

Product title optimization is a very effective way to increase the volume of your shopping campaigns without increasing your bids. In this article, we discussed several sources you can use in your research for improved product titles. Some of our customers even managed to double their impressions by optimizing their shopping ad titles: Learn how Wehkamp boosted their product impressions

You can easily add all your findings in Producthero Optimizer, our tool to enrich product titles for Shopping Ads. See it in action:

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